Real-time Analytics Comparison - Amazon Kinesis vs Apache Kafka vs Flume

October 18, 2021

Real-time Analytics Comparison - Amazon Kinesis vs Apache Kafka vs Flume

Are you looking for the right platform to process and analyze your data in real-time? With so many options out there, it's difficult to know which platform is the best fit for your business needs. In this article, we will compare the popular real-time analytics tools: Amazon Kinesis, Apache Kafka, and Flume. Our goal is to provide you with an unbiased comparison that will help you make an informed decision.

Amazon Kinesis

Amazon Kinesis is a real-time data streaming service that allows you to process and analyze big data in real-time. Kinesis can handle large volumes of data and supports several use cases such as real-time processing of log data, metrics, and IoT telemetry data. Kinesis uses shards to distribute data across multiple nodes and enables you to monitor and scale your application with ease.

When it comes to speed, Amazon Kinesis can process 1 MB of data per second per shard. It can handle up to 5 read transactions per second and 2 write transactions per second per shard. As for pricing, Kinesis charges by shard hour and the amount of data processed. For example, processing 1 GB of data per month with one shard will cost you $0.015 per shard hour and $0.023 per GB processed.

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. Kafka uses the publish-subscribe model for its data delivery, which enables multiple consumers to read data simultaneously. Kafka can handle large volumes of data and guarantees message delivery and ordering.

Regarding speed, Kafka can handle up to 2 million messages per second on a single node. Kafka scales horizontally, which means you can easily add nodes to your cluster to handle higher throughput. As for pricing, Apache Kafka is open-source software, and you can run it on your own hardware or use a managed service provider like Confluent, which charges based on usage.


Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. Flume uses a client-server architecture where clients send data to agents, and agents deliver data to the final destination. Flume supports sources like tailing files, syslog, and Avro, and sinks like HDFS and HBase.

Regarding speed, Flume can handle up to 2.7 GB per minute. Flume scales horizontally, which means you can add more agents to your topology to handle more throughput. As for pricing, Apache Flume is open-source software, and you can run it on your own hardware or use a managed service provider like Cloudera, which charges based on usage.


Amazon Kinesis, Apache Kafka, and Flume are all excellent real-time analytics tools that can handle large volumes of data. However, each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. If you need a managed service that can handle all aspects of processing real-time data, then Amazon Kinesis is a great choice. If you want an open-source platform that offers high-throughput and horizontal scalability, then Apache Kafka is the way to go. Finally, if you need an efficient way to collect and aggregate log data, then Flume is an excellent option.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in determining which platform is best for your business needs. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.


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